Archived Episodes
Taking the Brave Journey into Self: Burlesque, Money, and God
Join me and Legs Malone (also known as Anna Brooke) as we talk about the many connections between Burlesque and money. How are you embracing the power of the Divine Feminine?
That Little Voice with guest Brian Rouley!
People will surprise you. You are not your job or what you do. Brian and I met at Toastmasters and it turns out that for a techie he has deep roots. We talk about his connection the That Little Voice in our heads.
Embracing Your Faith During These Times with Guest Janet-Angela Mills
During times of great change, it is important to anchor into your faith. Coming to times of great change requires strength in numbers and guidance. During this time I invite you to come and learn how you can create...
27 Questions To Make You Sweat: A Workout Guide for the Soul with guest Gregg Sulzer!
Who are you really? Is your life ruled by fear, or is love the motor of your existence? Recognize your authentic self and decide who you want to be. These questions will confront you with ways of seeing you...
Ask And You Shall Receive - The Power Of Your Words
There is no better time than now to really watch your words and how you are expressing what you desire. During huge times of great transformation like right now, your words carry weight. They will create or bring i...
Your Sensitivities Are Your Super Powers
Quite often you may find you do not like your sensitivities to the world. What if you were given them to use them as your gift to help others. As young children, there is no training on how to use the sensitivities...
The Divine Formula For Always Making The Right Decision
As entrepreneurs we make a LOT of decisions every single day. If you're feeling overwhelmed with thoughts of never making the right decision or feel like you have too many options and don't know how to choose,...
When God Had A Wife with Authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince!
When God Had a Wife: The Fall and Rise of the Sacred Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition!
Money Mindset, Strategies, and Faith: How to Attract More Than Just Money
I can't afford it. I hate money. I never have enough. Are you telling yourself these statements? Did you know that your mindset about money either attracts money to you or repels it from you? In this episode,...
Spiritual Truths!
This episode is about some spiritual truths that mean a lot to me and are for all. What do they mean and how do you apply them in your life. How they benefit you and help bring you more into alignment with your aut...
The Way Back to the One with Susan Hoskins
In this episode, Susan and I talk about why seeing God as an entity separate from ourselves sets us all up for failure. Susan shared how living in the past creates misery and encouraged us all to embrace our unique...
Stories From Your Angels
Every day your angels are working to communicate with you. However, if you do not communicate with them they will sit around waiting being bored. It is important you engage with them, ask them to get busy and learn...
I Am God In Disguise-So Are You with author Craig Kolavo!
Craig Kolavo discusses his book I Am God In Disguise-So Are You and the inspirational message he would like to convey. It's time for a spiritual revolution! God in Disguise Media Quest...
Prepping For The Global Shift - Unlocking The Secrets Within
Can you feel the shift? Can you sense so many souls angry, restless and upset Are you ready for the universal doors to explode wide open and enter a new way of living for humanity ...
Brilliance Of Your Body
Your body is brilliant! We forget to give it credit as it really works with us, not against us. However, in our world, you forget the miracle you are and that when you were being created you knew exactly what you n...
When things don't go your way.
When things don't go your way, what do you do? How do you handle it? I'll share my personal story of what's happened and what I did when things didn't go my way.
Healing with Medical Spiritual Healing (MSH)
What is Medical Spiritual Healing? Who discovered / created Medical Spiritual Healing? and What exactly can Medical Spiritual Healing do for me?
Lessons learned when you're in the desert.
Are you in the "desert" season of your life? Are you fighting an illness or a job loss or maybe children who have chosen to follow a wrong path...the trials of our life can be hard to go through. Tune in to this ep...
Encore: When your friend becomes your enemy.
When your friend becomes your enemy...bullying....let's chat.
Encore: The Unexpected Answers of your Prayers
Do you every think your prayers go unanswered? Tune into this episode to hear how I share the unexpected answers of God.
What is the Sufi Path and why do people need spiritual guidance?
Answering questions on What is Sufism? What exactly is the Sufi Path and Why do I need spiritual guidance?
The Unexpected Answers of your Prayers
Do you every think your prayers go unanswered? Tune into this episode to hear how I share the unexpected answers of God.
Who walks beside you? with Dennis Gaither
If you knew who walks beside you on the way that you have chosen fear would be impossible. ~A Course in Miracles~ Many are aware that A Course in Miracles came about through a process of inner dictation bet...
Encore: When your friend becomes your enemy.
When your friend becomes your enemy...bullying....let's chat.