Archived Episodes
To Love or Not Love: How to overcome the fear of intimacy
We all want to be loved, but for many people letting someone get close and becoming important to them is extremely scary. Fear of intimacy and fear of commitment are some of the major obstacles, which prevent us fr...
How Long Does Change Take?
We want it now. We want our new experience to unfold immediately. The suspense is too much! But why does it take longer than we want? Leslie and Dr. Pat will explain the delays and what you can do about it.
When the Night Gets Long - How to Overcome Insomnia
You may know that feeling. It is getting late and you should turn in. But just the thought of going to bed makes you anxious. You have spent too many nights lying awake, tossing and turning, waiting in vain for sle...
Courage, Truth and Authenticity: The Terrifying Trio
When we choose to embark on our soul path, we experience where we are on the scales of courage, truth and genuineness. We are living them to varying degrees but find that they are important to our ever-expanding pa...
The Toxic Temptation of Prejudice
All around the world political movements, that base their ideology on fear and anger against those, who do...
Anxiety and Creativity: Solving Oil and Water
Many of us rush through life, barely sure why. Regardless of the task at hand, the lesson came at a young age. No one told us it kills creativity. Learn how to create space around your dream and cut out the fear of...
Encore: Overcoming the Fear of What We Want
We can have what we want. We also fear it because what we want means change. Let’s walk through to the other side and let our desires unfold.
Guest Host Dr. Friedemann Schaub: How to Stop Being Afraid of Your Own Anxiety with Fear ...
If you have been struggling with anxiety, you may have noticed that at one point you become more scared of feeling anxious than having to face any potential external danger. You interpret your anxiety as a sign tha...
From Worry to Wealthy: A Woman’s Guide to Financial Success Without the Stress with Chell...
Are you one of the millions of women who struggle to take your career to the next level? Do money and finances stress you out? Are you ready to have more financial success, but lack the courage ...
Making the Right Decisions: How Do We Know?
Often we make the wrong decisions. How do we know? They come from fear, from convention, from someone else’s priorities. We go against what is coming to us. Leslie and Dr. Pat talk about how our fears interfe...
Are You Hiding Out From Life?
Do you feel safer being invisible? Do you avoid any attention and feel safer when you are not getting noticed? If you are living in avoidance mode, you are probably very sensitive to criticism, rejectio...
Our Amazing Power to Create Abundance
Only when we begin to step into an intention or desire do we discover how potentially powerful we are. Then we become frightened and almost retreat from it. Why? Let’s heal that fear.
Abundance Creation in Isolation – Can I do this?
Often do we stop ourselves from stepping into a great idea, a new dream, our heart’s desire, because we are afraid no one we love will come with us. Find out how to step through this fearful place so that you can disc...
The Bully's Trap - Bullying in the Workplace with Author Andrew Faas
Andrew Faas will provide comprehensive and provocative insight into the dynamics, impacts and costs of bullying in the workplace and answers how it can be prevented and stopped.Bullying in the workplace destro...
Put Legs on Your Dreams with Leslie and Dr. Pat
Do you have a dream? Were you taught that dreams are like living in Fantasyland?i? Dreams are a part of your truth. The fear of making them happen is an old, painful wound. Let’s heal and make that dream real.
Overcoming the Fear of What We Want
We can have what we want. We also fear it because what we want means change. Let’s walk through to the other side and let our desires unfold.
Removing the Blocks to Joy and Abundance
Why do we get frozen in our own field, unable to shift into manifesting the agenda we say we have? Many of us have conflicting intentions, desires and preferences within ourselves. Find out how to move these and step ...
The Empowered Self Series with Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub - Does Your Inner Child Run ...
Have you ever wondered, why can certain situations or people bring up the same insecurities and anxieties that you frequently felt when you were much younger? You want to disappear when you’re about to give a presenta...
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
The Empowered Self Part 15 - The Gift of Surrender
Do you like to be in control and at times freak out, when things aren’t going your way? Are you known to bang your head against the wall, in an effort to get what you want? If so, you may have noticed that the more yo...
When It All Falls Apart
Have you had a time where you felt like everything was going wrong, things were falling apart on several fronts at the same time? It might be physical, family, work, finances. Let’s talk about what’s going on there. L...
The Empowered Self Part 14: Who do you trust your intellect or your intuition? With Dr. F...
Whether you call it gut feeling, inner voice or intuition, we all have an undeniable guidance system within, which operates outside logic and reasoning. Did you ever “just know†that you should check on someone, o...
Guest Host Dr. Susan Allison - There Is No Death
What if there is no death? What if the essence or energy of who you are is immortal? If you knew this to be true, would you live differently here? Could you relax and let go of your fear? Could you truly live? On toda...
Abundance Beyond Attachments and Control
Attachments give us a feeling of control. We believe we need things in our lives to unfold in a certain way for us to be happy – or satisfied. Source has a vision that is so much larger, more loving, more aligned wi...