Archived Episodes
What is it to be a human ‘be-ing’ in today’s world
What if you could stop doing and start be-ing? Have you ever had a hard time being present in the moment because you are distracted by other thoughts? What if you could stop trying to make things ‘better&rsqu...
Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing: It's Time to Evolve with special guest James Purpura!
The concepts in Perception: Seeing is Believing are created to help the reader achieve a level of self-mastery and a life they only dreamed of. How do you turn your life around? In the book Perception they ...
On the Edge of Vision!
Our 25th Episode!!! Many people are describing 2020 as a year for clear vision. What does it meant to see the world through 2020 vision? Not only does this refer to your ability to physically see clearly, it also r...
Encore: Heaven Is Right Here, Right Now“. What Are We All Waiting For? with David Essel!
David Essel talks about heaven on earth! Grab his new book, and I can guarantee within a short period of time, you will start to become more aware, more conscious, of the fact that heaven is here… Right now!...
Immortal Hero (a film) with Rocky Uchimura!
Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese author and publisher, has a life-threatening, near-death experience. Powerful spiritual beings with whom he has communicated most of his adult life visit Makoto to remind ...
Heaven Is Right Here, Right Now“. What Are We All Waiting For? with David Essel!
David Essel talks about heaven on earth! Grab his new book, and I can guarantee within a short period of time, you will start to become more aware, more conscious, of the fact that heaven is here… Right now!...
Upgrading Your Story
All of us have a story of our life that we tell ourselves and others. It carries a certain tone and an energy. It describes us and how we see the world. Healing means an upgrade to the story, a new filter, a new tone....