Archived Episodes
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Getting to the Truth about Addiction and Recovery with Guest Robin H. Clare
Join Dr. Pat as she interviews Robin Clare, Recovery Coach and Best-Selling spiritual author of Feast & Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace. Robin will share with us the spiritual perspective on the source of ...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. dStruggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories t...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories th...
Turning your Mind into a Magnet for What You Want
Kirsten will be discussing how your subconscious mind may be repelling away the things you want on an unconscious level and what you can do to magnetize your mind to manifest and attract what you desire. Her work c...
How to survive the heartbreak of your drug addicted child with Nancy Landrum
What does loving your child mean when that child is making self-destructive life choices? How do you love your child when he or she is not lovable? How do you love yourself? Watch live on Facebook.
The Eye of God & Interacting with Heavenly Lenses with Caleb Matthews
What we focus on we empower and it becomes magnified! Who is the master of our eye gates? A worldly information overload or heavenly perspective download? The eye of G...
Christmas Mass - A Celebration of Light with Caleb Matthews
Ancient Israel during the Roman occupation and Jesus Christ arriving in a dark time in human history. Though heaven's king he arrived into humanity in extreme poverty and vulnerability. His arrival presented the cl...
Dreaming Techniques with Serge Kahili King
Serge Kahili King has been studying dreams all his life. In his new book, the psychologist looks at the types of dreams we have, how to remember them and how to interpret them. He offers techniques for using our dr...
The Complete Book of Dreams with Stephanie Gailing
The Complete Book of Dreams offers holistic techniques to harness the healing potential of your sleep and dreams. Uniquely written as both a reference and guidebook, it features an abundance of inf...
Dreams Decoded
We all dream. Do you remember them? Question what the meaning is of them? Join me to talk to Benjamin Whitehurst, an expert in dream study. Learn some tricks to remembering and decoding the ...
Career as Writer! with guest Chris Meeks
Follow your passion and all will be ok. That is my belief, so I am going to test out this theory on my brother who has spent his life as a writer. Many of you have a book in your head as you face “shelter in ...
The Sensitivity Code with Theresa Cheung
Life strategies for thriving in an overwhelming world! Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
How to SurThrive 2020
2020 – Cosmic Joke or the Universe’s greatest gift to humanity? If the first half of this year has brought major upheaval and chaos into your life leaving you feeling stressed, worried or even hopeless ...
Think You Have a People Problem? Think Again.
Have you ever struggled with – people? Our lives are filled with many challenges, most involve dealing with other people. What happens if the people you’re fixated on – are ...
Angel Insights: Neptune Retrograde Spiritual Awareness Law of Attraction
Angel insights bring our attention to spiritual awareness and the law of attraction. We are reminded that...
Modern Dreamwork: New Tools for Decoding Your Soul’s Wisdom with Linda Yael Schiller
During this time of the pandemic and societal upheaval, many of us are seeking additional tools of support. According to author and psychotherapist Linda Yael Schiller, our dreams can offer us invaluable insight an...
Scripting the Life You Want: Manifest Your Dreams with Just Pen and Paper with Royce Chri...
In this step-by-step guide, filled with success stories and practical exercises, Royce Christyn details a simple “scripting” process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in...
Flying over Hurdles with guest Keith Engber!
Depression, addiction and mental health. We all are given gifts as well as challenges. My guest, Keith Engber has battled depression and now is a peer support specialist helping others. Your dream is ahead but you ...
On the Edge of Living Supernaturally!
What is it to live Supernaturally? When we examine the word, it really means being natural, superbly! What if being Supernatural is the next stage of our emotional and mental evolution? Master Healer, Megan Edge an...
Angels Love May Flowers with Special Guest The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
May flowers are the sign of Spring. The blossoms represent new growth. The Angels that work with personal growth and wealth rejoice at this time of year. Evenlyn is the Angel of Manifesting and the one that creates...
Modeling Your Self Image with Kim Luret!
Has anyone asked you “who do you think you are?” As kids our infinite imagination is often squashed by trying to fit in to a group or society. To fly high you must find the authentic you. Kim Luret grew...
Insights and tips on how rekindle your passions to live the life you dream of with Dr. Dr...
What happened to you? I mean what happened to YOU…not what happened to you the wife or husband or you the mom or dad or you the employee… What happened to you the dreamer, the lover, the adventurer? W...