Archived Episodes
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan - Episode 1
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan How would you handle it? 1.05 - what inspired this podcast 1.18 - thoughts about current events and reality of the...
Source Energy, "Pleiadian Evolution & Ascension Guidance" with Special Guests, Dr. Pia Or...
A Pleiadian View as we navigate our Ascension with Higher and higher frequencies; Being Masters of Alchemy in the present moment.
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 3 with Nadine Searle
If you are anything like me, you are faced with meeting your inner child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so t...
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 2 Kornelia Stephanie with Nadine Searle
If you are anything like me, you are faced with meeting your inner child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so t...
Navigating Ascension with Higher Frequencies with Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
A Pleiadian View as we navigate our Ascension with Higher and higher frequencies; Masters of Alchemy in the present moment. 4:30 We realize love is not always soft. 14:59 Do you trust...
Episode 0 - Welcome To Triple L!
Welcome to Triple L: The Live Love Lotus Show with Spiritual Wellness Expert and healer, TLotus! This podcast is about all things high vibrational to help you align your mind body and soul and consciously create yo...
All the Lightworkers are asking... When will we get to the 5D? with Special Guests Dr. Pi...
All the Lightworkers are asking... When will we get to the 5D? When will we get to Heaven on Earth? Join us in this show as we talk about it. Tune in for a discussion about...Ascension Guidan...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Many experts underscore that certain types of attachment are key to maintaining our wellbeing—from social relationships to attachment parenting to community connection. Other experts emphasize that releasing ...
Introducing Autumn Seibel and Golden Otter Divinations
As a certified health coach and developing medium Autumn holds space for intuitive client transformation through guided educational sessions. In plain speak: she helps educate individuals new to the practice of med...
Strengthening Our Harmlessness Muscle
Small things are big things! On this show we will discuss ways, big and small, to incorporate harmlessness into your life. We'll offer daily practices for noticing harm and shifting attitudes and actions toward alt...
Being Harmless in Thought, Word, and Deed
Being harmless is much more than being kind and it goes beyond having a friendly disposition. Our thoughts form reality. Being harmless is an all-inclusive way of being, living, and breathing which creates an ...
The Pervasiveness of Harm
It is a fact that our modern culture offers more images and examples of harm than harmlessness. We may not be conscious of the myriad of ways that harmfulness pervades our every day life and thus reinforces separat...