Archived Episodes
Keep It Simple Sweetheart!
Live by the K.I.S.S. principle – Keep It Simple Sweetheart! Simplifying means staying with the essentials and letting go of the non-essentials. Join Sarah as she talks about the danger of busy-ness in...
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
There is an underlying unity in all situations. Every moment is full of a rich diversity of sights, sounds and experiences which can become divisions if we miss the unifying factor. Explore with Sar...
Focusing – I Came, I Saw, I Conquered!
Buddha said, ‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought’. Are we letting a web of loosely associated thoughts which carry emotional charges from the past govern our lives? Le...
Your Attitude -Take Your Pick!
We live in a Starbucks-style society of endless choices. But when Attitude is on the menu, the choice is clear and simple - Positive or Negative and only we can make that choice for ourselves. Be ch...
Your Core Values – Plugging into your Powerhouse!
Asking big questions takes courage, but it’s worth it! Discovering your Core Values is the way to foundations and roots that give you the anchor to confidence that everyone wants. Join Sarah a...
A Conversation to Inspire You to Discover Conscious Confidence!
Be inspired by Sarah’s journey of awakening to limitless consciousness in writing her first book “Conscious Confidence – use the wisdom of Sanskrit to find clarity and success.” Join...
The Presence of Sanskrit - Hiding in Plain Sight!
Sanskrit is actually everywhere in our everyday life – it’s hiding in plain sight. The language we use, both in our self-talk and in our spoken expression, creates our life experience. So in har...
Sanskrit - a Gateway to Clarity, Success and Confidence!
People ask Sarah how they can harness the power of Sanskrit like she has without necessarily committing to a lifetimes study like she has. The secret is to be still and connect with the present moment and hear the ...
Education and How it's Done!
Encore: The Education of young children is essentially very simple once you’ve got the basic principles figured out. You need to be clear on what a child is, what you want them to learn, and how best to do it...
Excuse Me..... Did You Say Sanskrit! The Surprising Relevance of Sanskrit for Today
Excuse me did you say Sanskrit…yes Sanskrit, the language of the universe and a mother of languages! Sanskrit has a surprising relevance for today to help in facing the challenges of transitioning into adult...
Education and How it's Done!
The Education of young children is essentially very simple once you’ve got the basic principles figured out. You need to be clear on what a child is, what you want them to learn, and how best to do it, and wh...
Sanskrit – its Beauty, Power and Relevance for Today!
Sanskrit and ancient Indian wisdom has been embraced in many areas of our contemporary culture and lifestyle. Join Sarah Mane as she shares her decades of Sanskrit study and practice and reveals the power a...
The Limitless Power of Being – the source of Conscious Confidence
Our Being is the limitless power we all have, it’s the energy and potential of everyone and the foundation of Conscious Confidence. Our busy lives are full of ‘busy-ness&...
The Master Key to Conscious Confidence
All wisdom traditions agree that there is one thing, without which, no inner development can take place. This Master Key is easy, readily accessible and everyone can have it just for the asking.
A Deep Dive into Resilience, Self Esteem and Balance through Conscious Confidence
Resilience, self-esteem and balance are found through establishing deep roots, a deep connection with our true self. This connection is the solution to the ‘rootlessness’ that many people ex...
Victim to Victor - it's Your Choice!
The mindset of a victim or victor is a clear choice that only we can make ourselves, regardless of past or present circumstances, experiences of the situation. A victor takes ownership, is accountable a...
Conscious and Unconscious Confidence – There’s a Difference!
Confidence may appear in different forms such as brashness or recklessness, but is this lasting conscious confidence? Sarah Mane shows the difference between true and real conscious confidence b...
Understanding the Fear Shadow
Conscious Confidence is like the sun and the Fear Shadow is like clouds which conceal the light of the sun, essentially concealing the truth; the sun is always there, ever-shining, but on cloudy days it appears as ...
The Four-Fold Energy of Conscious Confidence – Living Beyond Limits
Conscious Confidence is like a great tree with deep strong roots; able to withstand storms and tempests, and also provide shelter, stability and nourishment. Sanskrit helps us to plant that tree and dee...
Living with Conscious Confidence - A Timeless Wisdom
Are you ready to move beyond fear and chaos? Living with Conscious Confidence is an easy, simple and practical connection with the thread of consciousness which will transform your life forever. Conscious Confidenc...