Archived Episodes
Uplifted: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality with Susan Smith Jone...
Claim Victory Over Disease, Fatigue, Anxiety & Obesity Surefire Tips to Be Healthy, Fit, Confident & Vibrant at Any Age! Watch live on Facebook.
Stop Living on Autopilot. Start Living on Purpose!
Are you going through life with the same basic routine, feeling like your life has no purpose? Over the last two years, many of us have been on autopilot, just going with the daily flow. You don’t want to do ...
Equilibrium Between Opposing Forces Allows For Metamorphosis!
The “Blue Bird of Happiness” is a widely accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, birth, and rejuvenation. She represents confidence at its highest accord. She also represents the use of ...
Encore: Someone Else's Opinion Does Not Have To Be Your Reality
Les Brown, an internationally known public motivational speaker, talks with Dr. Pat Baccili on ignoring the opinions people may have about you to bust through crust to an incredible life.
Buying clothes to feel worthy (it's not your fault)
Do you sometimes feel not worthy or good enough to be your Self which makes you buy more "stuff" to fill a void? Are you willing to be aware of...
Tapping into the Unshakeable YOU!
When life has its ups and downs, we can choose to be taken off our path and battle our way back to balance OR we can choose to tap into who we really are and feel at ease to be unshakeable.You are worth...
Understanding Energetic Root Causes behind Health Issues, Life Struggles, & Stagnant Busi...
When experiencing chronic illness or unexplained pain, anxiety, relationship difficulties, or even a stagnant income in business or a career, the typical approach is to start throwing spaghetti at the wall to see i...
How Transmutation can lead you into your True Heart center
Our Highest Self/True Self lives in our heart, not our mind - but it's often difficult to find and to hear our heart's calling if we haven't transmuted our past Watch live on Facebook.
Make a Splash in the Year of the Water Tiger!
Chinese New Year 2022, Year of the Water Tiger, is on February 1st. The Tiger signifies fortune, confidence, power, courage, and justice. If you have dipped your toe into 2022 and found the water tepid,...
How to feel at ease (even if you don’t feel good)?
When all you want to do is feel better but you’re not in an energy state to manifest that “better” state, it could feel like you’re lying to yourself if you c...
Are you living in survival mode or on purpose? With special guest your Soul Connection Co...
What does survival mode feel like? How do you even start to live on purpose? Psst, if your lifestyle looks like this: eat-work-sleep on repeat, this is for you! Watch live on Facebook. ...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
What if all goes well?
Give yourself permission to dream about the best case scenarios instead of worry about the worst, so that you can uplift your mood and embrace life in harmony and hope.
Are you Unapologetically Favored?
In this episode, we explore what unapologetically favored really means and how you can start the new year being just that! Watch live on Facebook.
The power of your voice for manifestation
Your voice contains the power of manifestation. Join my guest, Carissa Lynn Renner, as we discuss how to learn to use your voice for more effortless manifesting.
It Can Be Different; Overcoming the Limitations of Anxiety and Depression with Special Gu...
This week on Episode 7 of The Path to Being Fifty and Free Show: "It Can Be Different; Overcoming the Limitations of Anxiety and Depression".
Getting over Imposter Syndrome
Ever tried "fake it till you make it" as a strategy to overcome imposter syndrome? How'd that work out for you? Join me and my guest, Jess Critchlow, as we discuss several less toxic ways to gain true confidence an...
Encore: Owning Your Power and Leveling Up with Courtney Kittrell
In this episode, we will be discussing 5 steps that can help you regain your power and take your life to the next level.
How you can transition from surviving to thriving
In this challenging year you may be doing everything you can do to survive. However, what if you could do more than just survive, what if you could thrive. You can, and you can start today. You sh...
Episode 8: Power of Connection with Guest Martha Sullivan
In this episode we are joined by our guest, Martha Sullivan, I am excited about her perspective on burnout not only from her own experience but also what employers need to be aw...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
The Little Things
There is a beautiful quote that says, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things”. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud we will explore the idea of &lsq...
Owning Your Power and Leveling Up
In this episode, we will be discussing 5 steps that can help you regain your power and take your life to the next level. Watch live on Facebook.
Do you really need to “find” your purpose and passion? Or is searching for them just a d...
The greater part of my work with people up until this point has been to help them find their purpose and passion so they create a career they love. So it's quite iron...