Archived Episodes
You Are Limitless Consciousness – how writing my first book allowed me to communicate this
You'll be inspired by Sarah’s journey of awakening to limitless consciousness in writing her first book “Conscious Confidence – use the wisdom of Sanskrit to find clarity and success.” ...
How I discovered the Courage to Be Seen and how it changed my life!
We have all heard the statement, "a woman can do anything a man can do." I know I strived to be the best engineer I could and when I was called a female engineer, subconsciously, I felt that meant I could onl...
A New Beginning: Life Coaches, Human & Animal! with guest Peggy Willms!
Would you like a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life? Have you wondered what it would be like to work with a life coach? Please join me as I welcome Peggy Willms, a life coach and host of Coach, Couch &...
The Journey to Self-Acceptance with Rebecca Bedford
This week my guest, Rebecca Bedford, shares how she went from being a self-imposed recluse to a busy vlogger by learning to love herself. Rebecca teaches us how to deal with negative thought patterns, why self-acce...
Four Ways to Boost Your Confidence
The lack of confidence is one of the most common obstacles that prevent us from having success, fulfilling relationships and a general sense of joy and purpose in life. No matter how much potential we have or how h...
This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide to Mind, Body and Soul with author Geneen Roth!
Through a radical tour of the body and the self, Roth provides us a new way to view our lives as we kick off a new year. It is an exhilarating, touching, sometimes counterintuitive read on how we unknowingly intern...
Adult Bullying
Join us for our final episode in my adult bullying series. We'll talk with guest Kathy Margiasso about her real life bullying incident and how this life coach got herself through it and how she can help others too....
Live, Love, Let Go!
Who Am I? A question of the ages for all of us. A question with a hard answer when looking at 'who am i?' and 'who do I want to be?'. A dilemma for many, including myself, to answer and be happy wit...
On the Edge of Luck!
What is luck? One definition states that Luck is the experience of success or failure brought by chance rather than one’s own actions. Can we control our luck? Master Healer, Megan Edge and TTR Founder, Dr. P...
Spiritual Awakening: New Cycle Begins
Dr Jenn calls on the angels for guidance as we now step onto a new path...
5 Secrets For Improving Your Relationships
In this episode I share 5 secrets to help you improve all of your relationships – whether they are troublesome or trouble free; significant or more distant – so that you can stop any repeating cyc...
Secrets to Overcoming Frustrations
As a social worker specializing in bringing out the best in people, while at the same time working on my own health issues, self-awareness and spiritual development, I have spent more than half of my life coming to...
How to Get Into a Powerful Mindset
Have you ever been in a situation where you really need to be at your best yet whatever is going on has caused the opposite to happen? Anytime you are in a situation where you feel powerless you are in need of...
Storytelling Alchemy: Write Your Own Happy Ending with Renee Damoiselle
We all have stories we tell ourselves, personal narratives that define who we are. These stories take root in our subconscious and can limit us, like a shadow holding us back from our full potential. But words and ...
How to Reconnect with Your Playful Power for Maximum Effectiveness with Tammy Leitzel
Discover how to unlock & utilize your playful power for maximum effectiveness. In this episode Tammy Leitzel shares how owning and operating your body allows you to stay present and purposeful.
THRIVE by Jen Radio Body Confidence ~ Mind Fulfillment ~ Soul Synchronicity with Jen Zelop
Do you ever want more? More confidence...more fulfillment...more purpose?
5 Keys for Standing in Your Power When Faced With a Diagnosis
Have you ever received a diagnosis for yourself or your child and in that moment found yourself wanting the doctor to tell you what to do in order to survive?This is a super common thing to have happen and can even...
Reconnect with your Magic
Would you like to reconnect with your magic? Did you even know that you have access to magic? Well you do and today I would like to talk to you about it. I believe magic is innate to all of us. It's not s...
The Art of Living with Conscious Confidence
Are you living unconsciously by default and desperation? The source of confidence is self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-understanding. The art of living intentionally with conscious confidence...
Fear Less: Living Beyond Fear, Anxiety, Anger, and Addiction with Dean Sluyter
These days there’s so much fear in the air, you can almost taste it—along with all the varieties of anxiety, anger, and addiction that grow out of it. How can you navigate your way through the fear and ...
How to Use Boundaries To Create A Strong Healthy Family
This episode looks at a part of your life that helps to keep you safe, that connects you with your own resiliency and clearly tells you when things around you are not aligning with what you believe. The topic is bo...
Soul Messages: Are You Listening?
Dr Jenn shares insight and angel guidance into the ong...
Turning Your Inner Critic into Your Inner Coach
This show provides ideas on how to quiet your inner critic because quieting this voice – or at least changing what she is saying – is really important to helping a person move out of their sha...
Being everything isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…so stop trying with Betsy Chasse
Week 3 of the Mother's Day Marathon brings Betsy Chasse to the show. Betsy is full of knowledge and stories to help you remember what's really important about your role as a parent.