Archived Episodes
Can Melinda Gates be believed?
If your answer to that question is a resounding "Yes!" then you better get to work! Melinda Gates recently announced that she's investing one billion dollars in gender equity. If that's true, WE have an opportunity...
The Presence of Sanskrit - Hiding in Plain Sight!
Sanskrit is actually everywhere in our everyday life – it’s hiding in plain sight. The language we use, both in our self-talk and in our spoken expression, creates our life experience. So in har...
Take Control - Say Yes to Your Life
Are you waiting for someone else to give you permission? Or are you taking control to live the life you want? Too often we wait for someone else to tell us it is ok, to be the judge if something is acceptable, and ...
Sanskrit - a Gateway to Clarity, Success and Confidence!
People ask Sarah how they can harness the power of Sanskrit like she has without necessarily committing to a lifetimes study like she has. The secret is to be still and connect with the present moment and hear the ...
Stepping into your Next Chapter with Confidence and Clarity! with guest Angela Raspass!
Encore: One day you may wake up at the top of a ladder and realize that it’s leaning against the wrong wall for you. If that happens, don’t panic! It’s never too late to begin Your Next Chapter an...
Knowledge is Power with Marge Ptaszek!
What does 'knowledge is power' mean?
What is our problem? with Jen Zelop!
Adult anxiety and sadness is on the rise, why? Childhood anxiety and sadness is on the rise, why? Hope is decreasing, why? Watch live on Facebook.
LOOKING AHEAD with Author and Speaker Kelly Walk Hines
Let's take the remaining days of summer to reflect, think a bit; what do the next few months look like for you? What about your 2019 holiday season? Thinking ahead doesn't mean you're not being present! It means yo...
What is our problem? with Jen Zelop!
Adult anxiety and sadness is on the rise, why? Childhood anxiety and sadness is on the rise, why? Hope is decreasing, why? Watch live on Facebook.
“How Do You Turn to Sanskrit When Your Life Turns Pear-Shaped?”
When in a state of overwhelm dogged by fear, anger, guilt and other negative emotions, we can apply the timeless wisdom in Sanskrit to re-establish our natural state of strength, confidence, peace, happiness and lo...
Be the Dad she NEEDS you to be not the Dad you THINK you should be! Rob Bardunias tells u...
Be the Dad she NEEDS you to be not the Dad you THINK you should be! Rob Bardunias tells us how. Rob is the COO of a public multinational logistics company and current...
Live with Confidence and Turn Your Desires into Reality
When you walk into a room, do you feel confident like you own it? Would you like to? There is a low self confidence epidemic going on. Unfortunately, confidence is critically tied to success. ...
The Resume' of Life with author Terry J. Walker!
Terry J. Walker discusses how inspiration and motivation lead to transformation and how to create a life of abundance. Empowering you to build your resume' of life! Watch live on Facebook.&nb...
It's Coffee Time ~ WE ARE LIARS! Integrity and How it Relates to Your Wellness Success. G...
Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellne...
Encore: A New Beginning: Life Coaches, Human & Animal, with special guest Peggy Willms!
Would you like a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life? Have you wondered what it would be like to work with a life coach? Please join me as I welcome Peggy Willms, life coach and host of Coach, Couch & ...
Think Small To Reach Big Dreams!
You want to write a book, have a show at a museum, make a living with your art but the big word you face is “How”. Since you don’t know “how” to achieve this lofty dream your fear kick...
Be the Dad she NEEDS you to be not the Dad you THINK you should be! Rob Bardunias tells u...
Be the Dad she NEEDS you to be not the Dad you THINK you should be! Rob Bardunias tells us how. Rob is the COO of a public multinational logistics company and current...
Becoming a Great Leader People Want to Follow with Ian Graham!
Great leadership takes self-awareness, strong values and humility. Being a good manager doesn’t always mean you can be a great leader. Join Sarah in a conversation with her special guest—Ian Graham&mdas...
What is Parenting Really About?
This week our Break Free series talks about what our job as parents really is and why it's important for us to be aware. I also share a story about my inherited belief talk about what we are truly up ...
Perfect Practice: A Philosophy for Living an Authentic and Transparent Life with author M...
We can shift our perspective and change our world. Life can be exceptionally gratifying when we realize that our thoughts create our interactions and our interactions create our relationships. And to truly relate i...
Stepping into your Next Chapter with Confidence and Clarity! with guest Angela Raspass!
One day you may wake up at the top of a ladder and realize that it’s leaning against the wrong wall for you. If that happens, don’t panic! It’s never too late to begin Your Next Chapter and the wi...
Turn Enemies Into Allies: The Art of Peace in the Workplace with author Judy Ringer!
In today’s workplace, where time is a precious commodity, managers and leaders often believe they don’t have the time to help employees navigate conflict. More often than not, however, it takes more tim...
On Figuring It Out!
Discovering You Again, what does that mean? How do I figure that out? In this episode of Discovering You Again Radio with Susan Axelrod, we will talk about the four Phases to Figuring It Out for yourself: Coming to...
The Limitless Power of Being – the source of Conscious Confidence
Our Being is the limitless power we all have, it’s the energy and potential of everyone and the foundation of Conscious Confidence. Our busy lives are full of ‘busy-ness&...