Archived Episodes
Encore: Angel Insights: Discover New Opportunities in Major Life Changes
The angels bring insights that inspire us to hang in there during chall...
Angel Insights: Discover New Opportunities in Major Life Changes
The angels bring insights that inspire us to hang in there during chall...
Global Rites of Passage: Navigating the Unknown
Discussing our current situation around the globe and how we can, as a community make it through this. Community, really everything in life, looks very different now, but we can find ways that are new and make it t...
Working From Home - a Universal Opportunity! With Dianne Solano
Embracing the Inner audit for Your Purposeful Emergence. Tune in to... Assign meaning and purpose to this c...
Major Game Changer: Energy Shifts Prepare Us for a New Cycle
March 2020 is a major game changer that brings us the energy we need for transition to ...
I Want to Live With My Pets, Darn it! with guest Ginny Weissman
Interview with Ginny Weissman. Are you retired, looking for affordable housing and want to live with your pet? This is a huge challenge as one gets older. We talk with Ginny and how she is solving this issue.
Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing: It's Time to Evolve with special guest James Purpura!
The concepts in Perception: Seeing is Believing are created to help the reader achieve a level of self-mastery and a life they only dreamed of. How do you turn your life around? In the book Perception they ...
Longevity Plans with Special Guest Sharon Rolph!
We are the generation who responded to the novel idea of the Peace Corp. Could we be drawn to invest months and years to the good of the world again? I think so! Paul Long’s Emmy Award winning documentary cal...
Addicted in Flight with guest Susan Lake!
Life is challenging. Sometimes we fly high and other times we enter into a death spin that is tough to fly out of. Susan Lake is a spiritual counselor and minister. She has been working in the field of addiction an...
Biggest Challenges Women Face in Recovery!
Women and men use drugs for different reasons and in different ways. Women experience addiction differently, and even relapse for different reasons. What unique obstacles do women face in early recovery? A poignant...
Encore: Breaking Through the Wall Ahead with special guest Tracy L Clark
Laura welcomes her guest Tracy Clark to the Show. Tracy has faced near death experiences related to her health and she shares what it takes to see the wall ahead and break through it. Laura has faced similar challe...
Flight for Life: Surviving Change with guest Dale Olansky!
2500 years ago Heraclites told the world, “The only constant in life is change!” It is still true today so what tools do we have to deal with change? Interview with Dale Olansky , Spiritual Living Mento...
"4 Stages of Business, 4 Steps To Wealth" With Rise and Be Rich
Business is hard and a lot of people fail, yet when you succeed in realizing your dreams it’s a beautiful achievement and fulfillment. Most people enter a business to fulfill a purpose, create wealth for them...
Network Marketing Truth with special guest Jerry Himes
Million dollar earner and former MLM Owner
Breaking Through the Wall Ahead with special guest Tracy L Clark
Laura welcomes her guest Tracy Clark to the Show. Tracy has faced near death experiences related to her health and she shares what it takes to see the wall ahead and break through it. Laura has faced similar challe...
Core Competency for Pilots: Communication! Guest Steve Fraire
It is not the President’s job to change the country. It is your job. Democracy demands skilled communicators. Would your kids describe you as a diplomat or a tribal warrior? Interview with Steve Fraire on the...
Dispelling the Passion Myth. Passion as a verb, not just as a noun.
"I don't have a passion" is something Coach Susan Axelrod hears frequently. When she introduces the idea of passion as a verb, not a noun, there is relief and breakthrough. Join Dr. Pat and Susan as they discuss th...
Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?
Has anyone ever asked you this? What was your answer? It turns out how you answer can determine your future. Today we investigate just who we think we are! Watch live on Facebook.
Major Transformation: Is your plane grounded?
Major Transformaton, we look at how transformation starts, 2 ways transformation occurs and which is easier, as well as what might be keeping your plane grounded and incapable of FLYING HIGH!
Storytelling Alchemy: Write Your Own Happy Ending with Renee Damoiselle
We all have stories we tell ourselves, personal narratives that define who we are. These stories take root in our subconscious and can limit us, like a shadow holding us back from our full potential. But words and ...
U Can Save Our World with Author Julian Hyman
Julian Hyman, a retired veteran and businessman who has traveled the world many times over in his 97 years on the planet – is concerned about the future of the human race. He believes, as do many scientists, ...
Moving Into The Fullness of YourSelf and Stepping Into Your Mission
Are you wondering who you really are, why you came and what you’re here to do? Join us as we talk about the privilege of being on the planet during this time and how to have a better understanding of it all!
What Do You Love About Your Problems?
What if every problem is a possibility you have not yet considered? What if none of your problems are real? Dr. Glenna and Dr. Pat will be shedding light on how to transform your problems into possibilities.