Archived Episodes
Ascension: Power of Self Reflection and Contemplation
Based on my coaching In-Body, In-Power, In-Soul. To support clients to navigate the Multidimensionality of the Human Experience and living life from the Heart/Soul. This episode we discuss Heart , Power of Sel...
Ascension: A Deeper Dive with Lady Gaia, Allies and Stepping into Your Personal Power.
Based on my coaching approach to Ascension Process; In-Body, In-Power, In-Soul. This episode we take a deeper dive with Lady Gaia and explore a Foundation Skill of Connecting with Allies. Allies may take on many fo...
Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause
When we started his show, we did so unattached to any particular outcome other than to spark thought and contemplation around a broader perspective; how a shift
Are you Living or Surviving?
Divine Feminine Energy, Heart Opening, Purpose in releasing the energies of Fear, Anxiety, and Trauma. How this might relate to the Ascension Process and Divine Feminine Energy coming into your being and planet. Th...
The Light That Shines In Our Hearts
Humanity’s mass awakening of the Heart and Divine Feminine Energies flooding the planet, Flame Activations, and Purification is necessary to merge your I AM Presence into your physical body.
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Special Guests, Dr. Pia Orleane ...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane Are you feeling the cosmic push to take the evolutionary leap? Take the Higher Road when reacting and responding from ...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast - The Ripple Effect of Co-Creation with Kornelia Stephanie a...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith The Ripple Effect of Co-Creation WE are the world Breakers. We are taking resp...
Transmutation for Ascension
Why transmutation of energy is KEY to the spiritual ascension process! Watch live on Facebook.
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, March 18, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Ariel Richard , Jessica McKnight , Julianna Quijano , Emma Ghaemmaghamy
Channeled Messages through Kimberly: this business of being Spirit having a Human Experience
We are currently in the middle of a major paradigm shift in consciousness on this planet! Many of us are facing fear, negative limiting beliefs, and looking into the world and seeing the chao...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane Join us in this episode when Pia and Kornelia talk about the Divine Feminine Energies and the importance of beginning to perceive our world t...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith Our Future Selves in multidimensionality. We’ve never been through an Ascension like th...
Walk-IN / Embodiment Experience with Special Guest, Victoria Reynolds
This is the first time ever Victoria Reynolds is talking about being a walk IN. What does that mean? Join us and discover what it means to WALK IN with our Special Guest,
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Special Guests, Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith Witness your life. Who Am I becoming? True Abundance. New Evolutionary Guidebook. Here's the link to ...
Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck in Life? with Special Guest, Jean Atman the Energy Alchemist
Jean is a Consciousness Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping peo...
Divine Feminine Revolution: Paradigm Shift
We are in a major Paradigm Shift! Dr. Megan Monday is a Psychologist and an Empowerment Coach willing to share her Love and Light with us regarding the Divine Feminine Revolution. Creator of the Divine Feminine Rev...
A Pleiadian View, Recreating Who We Are. We Are Standing in Our Power. with Dr. Pia Orle...
Podcast Show: A Pleiadian View, Recreating Who We Are. We Are Standing in Our Power with Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith. We are using the Power of Choice. Being present with what is without...
Breathing into Life - Interview with Yoga and Breathwork Specialist Melanie Johl
This week Kimberly will be Interviewing an Melanie Johl is an enthusiastic and compassionate yoga instructor, movement specialist, breathing coach, and intuitive energy healer. Melanie is certified in Hatha, Vinyas...
Episode 8 - Reframing Selfish Series: What Do You Need?
Episode 8 of the SHIFT podcast - Reframing Selfish: What Do You Need? We can't stop coming at this perspective shift around making our wellbeing a priority! There is so much societal conditioning...
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 6 with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle
If you are anything like me, you are faced with meeting your inner child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so t...
Learning Personal Responsibility and Taking us into Collective Responsibility
Learning Personal Responsibility and Taking us into Collective Responsibility - With Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith Personal Responsibility begins with you. What We Say to ourselves...
Finding Your Playground. Living Your Passion.
Are you an entrepreneurial seeker? Looking for your next 'thing'? Want a more fun way to do that? Want to do it WITH spirit? If you're like me, you may be somewhat uneasy talking abou...
Source Energy, "Pleiadian Evolution & Ascension Guidance" with Special Guests, Dr. Pia Or...
A Pleiadian View as we navigate our Ascension with Higher and higher frequencies; Being Masters of Alchemy in the present moment.
Ascension Timeline with Viviane Chauvet
Many intergalactic groups are providing the Earth assistance with the organic ascension timeline. We will discuss and explore the realms of higher consciousness, planetary changes, energetic lines of communication,...