Archived Episodes
Awaken to Your Body Wisdom
Are you unhappy with some aspect of your body? Do you struggle with health issues or body image? In this ep...
Men And Spirituality Part 2
Join me in this second hour with three amazing men exploring how they keep changing and the blessings they receive each and every day by connecting to spirit! What if you could embrace a new way of living and it is...
Nourish your Mind, Body, and Spirit with Crystal Castle.
Nourish your Mind, Body, and Spirit. This episode continues to dig deep into the concepts within Audrey Michel's online master class, Soul Awakening... Nourish your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Fi...
Your Energetic Core: The Central Channel
Einstein got it right... everything is energy. If we could only leave it at that! The dynamic energy system that is YOU resembles a torus. What is a torus? It is a dynamic energy mover which cons...
From Food Obsessed to Living My Best with Dina Garcia, Dietitian-Nutritionist & Mindful E...
Today’s society has become obsessed with finding the “perfect” diet. Yet overweight, obesity, diabetes and heart disease are at an all time high. The disconnect lies in our hidden patterns and beh...
The Practice of Living Awareness, Step 2: Tip of the Nose. Our guest Dr. Lisa Napora Disc...
The tip of your nose leads the way to well-being! As we introduce something new, perhaps meditation, often times we bump up against existing patterns - even resisting patterns. Dr. Lisa Napora is an advocate of mindfu...