Archived Episodes
Finding Yourself through Retreats with Liesel Albrecht.
Retreats are about beauty, a beauty that comes from within the heart. They are about a deep connection to yourself, to others and the world.
The True Nature of Divine Love with Tom Lumbrazo
What is the meaning of our lives? It is about love. It's not about making money, greed, hate, killing, etc. What is the Difference Between Love,...
Ascended Living and Thriving with Kornelia. The Best in you is coming out. Your new Holo...
Set your compass to your true north where love is the action and peace is the way. Kornelia will share how to create a powerful spiritual practice with the absolute non- negotiable basics you need to t...
A Whole New World. Mastery in 2018
With all the changes in the world today it takes a strong spiritual practice to surrender get comfortable living in the unknown. Having a strong spiritual practice is the root foundation of living heaven on earth. ...
Courage, healing and empowerment with a Hollywood stuntman and former U.S. Marine Steve C...
How to have the courage to face your fears through vulnerability and emotional fitness. Redefining masculinity by honoring the duality of the masculine and feminine. Building resilience and happiness through advent...