Archived Episodes
1: It's Time to Make iShft Happen
Welcome to the first episode of iShft Happens! We’re diving into the who, what, and why of who we are, but more importantly, we’re sharing why joining this conversation will shift the way you s...
119. You don't have a TIME problem
Join us today where we dive deep into the most pressing topic of modern life. Today, we're tackling the ever-elusive concept of time. If you're like most people, you probably feel like there just aren't enough...
Coping with Chaos
Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed by the crazy violence in the world today? Do you feel like there nothing you can do to change what's going on around you? Do you feel like unexpected distruptions in your pla...
68. Stop organizing
Join me today as I share with you why it never seems as though we are making the progress we want in our organizing attempts. For most of us we make a solid attempt every spring to organize and get a better h...
53. The Cure for Burn Out
Join me today as I share with you what I believe to be the cure for burn out. Burn out is a topic that I coach around a lot. The last couple of years has demanded a lot of us. Demanded us to be mo...
11. The calm in the storm
Life happens. Our humanity is defined by both progress and struggle. There are lots of situations that challenge us to react. Challenge us to spin out, stall out. Challenge us to struggle to...
9. How to stop Worrying
I hope you will join me today as I teach how to solve for worry, and her friends. Some of worry's besties are overwhelm, frustration, and angst. So if you worry like I used to, don’t miss it! My m...